Teaching Works
The Challenge
The organization’s affiliation/relationship to the University of Michigan’s School of Education was both a positive and a negative. While the organization works in conjunction with the University’s School of Education (SOE), its work is/was not specific to the SOE. Achieving national success required that other universities and other schools of education adopt and advance the work that was being led out of this active “laboratory” so whatever name was selected, it needed to speak to a national audience and address the multiple facets of the work that was being led by the Michigan team.
The Solution
“TeachingWorks.” In two simple words, the goal of the organization, the community it targets and the impact of its work was clearly and succinctly addressed. With the addition of the tagline, “Great teachers aren’t born. They’re taught.” any question of what the organization’s mission and bias was, was also eliminated.
N2o’s role
Among other things, n2o named the organization, developed the logo and supporting identity materials (including the website) and created the tagline and organizational mantra to succinctly and eloquently describe this complex organization’s charter and mission, especially as it pertains to diverse audiences.